eMIG: Energy Meter Information Gateway
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New User Registration

New - Use your Google account for sign-in

If you would prefer to sign in using your Google Account, please click the Google 'Sign in' button below, before proceeding with registration. This will sign you into your Google account and you will then be able to register in eMIG using this account.

If you would prefer to not use Google to sign in, or you do not have a Google account, please complete the form below to register with eMIG.

Please register your details below.

Please indicate below if you are a domestic user or a business / commercial user. If you wish to monitor the power output from one or two private solar cell installations, select "Domestic". If you wish to monitor the power output from multiple solar cell installations, with the ability to group installations, please select "Commercial".

In the future you may upgrade your account from "domestic" to "commercial", but not vice-versa.




Postal Address

Please provide a contact email address and optionally your mobile telephone number, which will be used to send you warnings of potential failures of your solar cell installation(s). Please check the "Alert by email?" and / or "Alert by SMS?" check boxes to indicate how you would like to receive warnings.





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